Thursday, January 15, 2009

When the Whipporwill Sings

This is more prose than poetry. I got to thinking about years gone by, about new and old friends and thought about the wipporwill who is less often seen and forges at night. It is a bird with a distinct call and once you have heard one the sound stays with you.It has its chicks in the moonlight so the light helps to forge for food. Helpfull moonlight.

When the wipporwill sings

It's is the age when seperation knocks
It's not the gender or the stock
It's is the flame of love and heart
It's the holding on that we are part

Still the wipporwill sings
Beautifully throated and needed

The children leave, the grownups too
The sun has set and the moon is blue
Tears gone dry and the head is full
The living wait by an empty pool

Still the whipporwill sings
Beautifully throated and needed

A family and a families friends
Looking on as this life ends
Feeling the hurt and the pain
Knowing it was in the living we had gain

Still the wipporwill sings
Beautifully throated and needed

What a distance measured only once
Hold on tight less the memories fade
It's sad for it is a hurtful bounce
Every breathing moment we cannot trade

Still the wipporwill sings
Beautifully throated and needed

One last cherished word and thought
Oh the lessons wev'e been taught
We go on to an appointed crown
Until we meet again we'll hear the sound

When the wipporwill sings
Beautifully throated and needed


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