Wednesday, September 27, 2017


You are the best of me and I of you;
You bring the light of love and its review;
I see you watching me and I stare right through;
And ask myself could this be true;
It happens again and find myself in love.

Look what I have found; look what I can see;
The hope of life has come to me.

It's shyly done and words are shifted;
I am listening carefully and I am lifted;
Come closer and talk to me and let us see
How much closer we could really be.

Look what I have found; look what I can see;
The hope of life has come to me.

Oh the love I have for you is coming through;
I speak and say, "I love you"
And you ask me to say it again;
What happens now is ours to feel;
The tightest bond and kiss to seal.

Look what I have found; look what I can see;
The hope of life has come to me.

The declaration of our love rings true;
Life has more meaning and at last it's here;
Our special love which brings a tear;
I shake with joy and say, "Come here."
You are in my arms so quickly, dear.

Look what I have found; look what I can see;
The hope of love has come to me.

At last I know I am favored and wanted and blessed;
My thoughts won't let me rest;
At last I can see eternity because you needed me.

Look what I have found; look what I can see;
The hope of love has come to me.


Feeling Christ

True love that comes with knowing Christ;
True love that sets our souls on their eternal journey;
The pain and joy of discovery with the sword of regret;
Being a sinner understood, overcome and put in its place;
The awakening leading to feeling the hope, discovering the way.

The beginning of acceptance and the path of learning;
The struggle for excellence that leads to following Christ.

I am longing to say, "Show me the way."
I see you as best I can and pray,
Knowing I have so far to go with my soul;
Each step marking and allowing me to know
The one who loves me so.

I am rescued and the tears I have are more than my own;
They come from hearts feeling as I feel;
They come from having received more than I have given;\
They come when I have suffered most and felt thy hand;
They are so soothing and leave me in tears;
They come when my knees buckle and yet I am lifted up.

I am longing to go home and feel I have done my best;
The journey has made me want to do more and then rest;
Soon it will be morning and a new day will begin;
I have never know such joy and I gaze past my limitations;
I cry out and see more than before and love holds me close.

I look around and see I have been on a road less traveled;
Oh Lord my God, you have whispered and I have heard;
I will find you through the promptings and deliver myself up;
For I have been looking at the heavens and seeing you;
We know each other and the helping hands testify;
We see you in each other and love brings it home;
The ones who love you so.
